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Making good decisions is an essential life skill; in fact it is the most important capability of all. Do you have the ability to make good decisions
consistently or are they just one or two examples?

This article will review the best research and thinking-leadership in decision making and package it all up in an easy-to-use framework. It is
possible to download a PDF or an ebook.

Life is a constant variety of decisions, ranging from the mundane "what to have for breakfast" to the critically important "whom you will marry." But how
do you make good decisions?

Firstly we will cover some of the fundamental facts regarding decision-making so you understand how humans operate and then move on to an actionable checklist
for more effective decision-making.

1. Be aware that humans aren't excellent decision-makers.

The most important choice of all: who will we marry? It's clear that the critical decision of choosing a life partner is a tough decision to make.
According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics 42% of marriages in
the USA result in divorce. That means 58 percent of marriages end with divorce.
Even though we have no limitation on how long we can "test drive," analyze and
evaluate the future partner we will choose however, we fail 42% of the times. Visit this link for more information about decision making now.

It is possible to argue that people change over time, and consequently, partners split, meaning the outcome is not foreseeable. Still, the
counter-argument is that the criteria on which the decision was made weren't as
solid as they could have been.

2. Understanding the Process of Making Decisions

One of the finest books on the thought process and how we make decisions, Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) by Daniel Kahneman, a behavioral economist,
introduces an idea comprised of two "systems" of cognition.

System 1 thinks operates in a way that is automatic and rapid, and with little or no effort and no sense of the ability to control it.

System 2 thought allocates attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it, such as complex computations. System 2 operations are often connected
to feelings of choice, agency, and concentration.

Humans have a rapid, instinctive way of making decisions (System 1) and deliberate, thoughtful decision-making (System 2.). Incredibly, Kahneman states
that, although System 1 thinking may be fast and effortless however, it
frequently jumps to the incorrect conclusions, is based on intuitions and biases
and is often overly confident.

3. Reflect Upon Your Previous Decisions

Do you honestly ask yourself. do you typically make correct decisions? There is no way for anyone to take the correct decision 100% of the times. If you are
able to make the right decision 60% of the time, you are doing very well. You
can feel proud about anything better particularly when it comes to important

4. Why do you need to Make This Decision?

To understand the motivation behind a decision, you should be able communicate the reason for your decision clearly. You'll need to take more time
deciding how important it is.

The motivational model mentioned above helps us understand the reasons we are driven to change our lives and strive for more. The deficiency needs are mostly
our most primal needs; these are the things that we have to achieve to be able
to live a life of happiness and contentment. These are the things you must do to
create a base for your personal growth (higher higher up the pyramid).

5. What is the importance of this decision to You?

Every level of the Maslow pyramid might be crucial to you, based on your current life stage. But, the majority of people struggle to meet their primary
needs. There is no guarantee that a country can provide work, career, love,
friendships, or security for your personal life.

Consider where your decision is situated on the pyramid. This will allow you to determine how much effort you'll need to put into it, and how much effort is
required to see the plan implemented.

The importance you place on the choice will drive you on making the right decision. Many people put more thought into the vehicle they purchase rather
than the company they select. The majority of people will be considering and
selecting the type of TV they want to buy and not focusing on the food they
consume for breakfast. The kind of TV you own is not as important as what you